A Walk To Remember

{December 31, 2007}   A brand new year!

Happy New Year Everbody!!!!

2007 has come and gone….and now we are entering into 2008

Time really flies! and how precious every seconds is!

Remember those time went people are paraniod about the Y2k bugs? hahahha..phew

2007 has started well….but ended bad for me. Sighz.

but prayerfully that 2008 will be a better year…in every aspect of my life. 🙂

forget about new year resolution….it never has any used at all!

Adios 2007…Welcome 2008!


{December 12, 2007}   Howdy Everyone!

hey all…

I know I’ve not been updating you guys in awhile!

partly…I’m really lazy.  I usually slept until afternoon here (but Malaysia Timing 9am ar) so i’m still an early bird! 😛

But today, I got my butt out of bed X-tra early today..9am (local time 6.30am..Hahahaha)

I went for a morning walk at the beach….really long beach, and then both my friend and I decided to jump into the water!

Boy, it was really nice, cold, clean water…and I saw 5 huge pelicans flying in the sky

How stupid I was not doing this earlier?!

I’ve been missing this for a whole month since I first came here!

Robe is a beautiful place to relax…but sometimes, the pace may pull you back from reality.

But on top of that, work is very tiring.

I gotta salute by dad for being able to stay here in Robe for the past 3 years. He has given up alot for us.

all he does was, open the restaurant cook from 11-3pm rest and start cooking again from 5pm-10pm every single day, all year round. no holidays..(maybe just couple of days in a year, less than 10!)

and he has also given up drinking and smoking has been cleaned for 1 year already!

applaud applaud applaud!

I wish i had that kind of determination in life.

of course, you will need someone to drive you there.

we are his drive of life…

I’m still searching for mine…

have you got yours? 🙂

Gambate everyone!

See you all soon!


et cetera